Appalachian Center for Independent Living, Inc.
Their mission is "to promote the interdependence, productivity, and quality of life of individuals with disabilities through empowerment, integration, and inclusion".
Change, Inc.
CHANGE, Inc. serves Hancock, Brooke, Marshall and Ohio Counties. Their programs include: Housing, Transportation, Weatherization and Community Services, and Family Medical Care Community Health Center, Family Health Practice, Oral Health, Mental Health and Family Care Pharmacy, as well as Right from the Start.
Coalfield Community Action Partnership
Coalfield Community Action Partnership, Inc. is a private non-profit 501(c)3 corporation that serves residents of Southern West Virginia and Eastern Kentucky. Coalfield CAP offers a variety of services and programs including Head Start, Community Services Block Grant, Weatherization, Personal Care, Seniors, and more.
Community Action of South Eastern West Virginia (CASEWV)
CASEWV is one of 16 community action agencies in the state, and one of more than 100 nationwide. Regardless of age, gender, race, or financial status we provide programs, services and information that improve people's lives and embodies the spirit of hope. Their mission is "to make our communities and America, a better place to live" and they are "dedicated to helping people, help themselves".
Community Living Services Program
A list of all counties in West Virginia with the name of the Center for Independent Living that provides Community Living Services Program services for the county.
Independent Living Institute
A policy development center specializing in consumer-driven policies for disabled peoples'self-determination, self-respect and dignity.
Independent Living Research Utilization
ILRU, founded in 1975, has a long history of providing research, education and consultation in the areas of independent living, the Americans with Disabilities Act, home and community based services and health issues for people with disabilities.
Mountain State Centers for Independent Living
With a Center in Huntington and Beckley, MTSTCIL is a community-based organization providing advocacy, networking, and resources to people with disabilities and their families. The centers are a place where people with disabilities are free to meet, share, learn and plan lives of greater independence and self reliance.
National Council on Independent Living
NCIL advances independent living and the rights of people with disabilities through consumer-driven advocacy.
Northern West Virginia Center for Independent Living
Northern West Virginia Center for Independent Living is an advocacy resource center for personswith disabilities and the communities in which they live.
Pride Community Services
PRIDE offers a multitude of programs geared at assisting low income individuals and families to move out of poverty and toward self sufficiency. Currently the agency operates Senior nutrition sites in Logan, Chapmanville and Millcreek; Head Start Centers in Logan, Chapmanville, Dehue, Lorado and Buffalo; and in conjunction with the Logan County Board of Education we operate specialized collaborative classrooms in several schools; Weatherization Program; CSBG Program; Child and Adult Food Care Program; Case Management and In-Home Care Programs.
Ron Yost Personal Assistance Services Program
The RYPAS program provides resources for individuals with severe disabilities to hire a personal assistant to help them perform essential daily living tasks.
Southwestern Community Action Council, Inc.
A private non-profit 501c3 agency whose mission is to facilitate the social and economic well-being of low-income families in Cabell, Lincoln, Mason, and Wayne counties in West Virginia.
The West Virginia Aging & Disability Resource Network (ADRN)
The ADRN is a state-funded resource and is a division of the West Virginia Bureau of Senior Services. There is a wide-ranging list of resources available to you on our web site. This list is offered for informational purposes and to assist you. The West Virginia Bureau of Senior Services does not endorse or recommend any agency or business listed.
West Virginia Community Action Partnership
The West Virginia Community Action Partnerships, Inc. (WVCAP) is a statewide membership organization for the 16 Community Action Agencies in West Virginia.
West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Services Rehabilitation Technology Services
Rehabilitation technology specialists provide services that help DRS clients work more efficiently. DRS has a group of experienced engineers, computer specialists and technicians who specialize in job accommodations, custom-designed assistive technology and product fabrication.
West Virginia State Rehabilitation Council
The SRC gives advice to and works in partnership with the West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Services (WVDRS).
West Virginia Statewide Independent Living Council
The SILC conducts a variety of activities and provides support and assistance to centers for independent living in developing the advocacy skills and interests of West Virginians with disabilities.