Disability Rights of West Virginia (DRWV) is the federally mandated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities in West Virginia. DRWV is a private, nonprofit agency.
Our services are confidential and free of charge.
DRWV protects and advocates for the human and legal rights of persons with disabilities.
More specific statement of purposes includes:
To implement a system to protect and advocate for the rights of persons with developmental disabilities or labeled mentally ill and other populations as shall be made eligible by federal or state statute or grants;
To pursue legal, administrative and other appropriate remedies to ensure the welfare and protect the rights of eligible individuals;
To provide information and referral services to persons with disabilities; their parents, guardians and attorneys and to aid and advise them to obtain and protect their rights;
To provide education, training and technical assistance to persons with disabilities, their families, and agencies which serve them, attorneys, professional persons, courts and others regarding the rights of eligible persons;
To advocate for quality services, appropriate to needs, as directed by eligible persons;
To receive and disburse funds for the accomplishment of the above purposes; and
The Corporation shall be operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes.
Article II of the By-Laws of Disability Rights of West Virginia.
Equality, Equity and Fairness
People with disabilities are full and equal citizens under the law, with access to the same opportunities afforded all members of society. People with disabilities are entitled to be free from abuse, neglect, exploitation, and isolation, and to be treated with respect and dignity.

Cultural Competency
Advocacy services reflect and are responsive to the diverse cultural, ethnic and racial composition of society.

Meaningful Choice and Empowerment
People with disabilities have the right to make choices both with respect to daily routines and major life events.

Individuality and Independence
Services and supports should be shaped by the unique needs and preferences of each individual and should assure and enhance opportunities for integration in all aspects of life. Advocacy should reflect equal access, peer support and self-determination. Service delivery should maximize leadership, independence, productivity and integration.